Hola Amigos!

Follow us on our trip to Central America!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Appreciate crosswalks

I´m currently being threatened by Janelle to contribute to this blog, so here I am. Uh..I mean, I miss you guys and I wanted to send an update.

So I´ve learned a couple things about myself so far.

1. I have really poor perception of distance. Crossing the street in Cancun is kind of stressful - cars don´t signal, there are a whole bunch of roundabouts with cars coming from all directions, and pedestrian crossings don´t really exist. So I keep finding myself stranded on boulevards while Mark and Janelle wait patiently on the other side of the street.

2. I shouldn´t be put in charge of the alarm clock. Today, for example, I got Janelle out of her bunk an hour early because I forgot to change the time back an hour. And I didn´t set the alarm.

3. I´m obsessed with learning Spanish. At any given time in my head I´m thinking ¨how do you say...?¨. So far, the locals are impressed with my skills. Or amused, whatever.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We are in Mexico

This keyboard is messing me up. LOL. We are in Mexico enjoying the warm weather, and trying to decide what we are going to do tomorrow. The traffic scares me mostly because there appears to be no rules whatsoever. We got a pasta dinner tonight for $3.50USD. It was yummy. They also serve pop in bottles which I think is cute.

My newly learned phrase is: Donde es la bano...or something like that. WHERE IS THE BATHROOM??? LOL

Maybe Julia and Mark will blog tonight..who the heck know.

And yes, Buffalo is a hole.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Ok folks it is....almost midnight and we are in The Hampton hotel in Buffalo. As usual Julia and I were running late...by about 3 hours. Typical I know. We got on and off highway 7, three times before we finally rembered everything. The drive to Mississauga was slightly sketch as the Elantra's tires are bald and we slid the whole way there. Fun and scary at the same time.

Julia is sitting beside me impatient to take advantage of the courtesy internet connection here at the hotel, which btw will not let us access our hotmail. BOO I SAY. She also just mentioned that she may not cut her nails for the entire trip. Pretty gross. Now she says she is kidding. I'll let you know.

We have set 2 alarms and asked for 2 wake up calls for about 5:30am. You can't be too careful.
Will update more when I am more coherant and we are established...somewhere momentarily.

Oh yeah one more thing...this is a parent friendly blog people. You can be funny and sarcastic and even a lil spicy. But make sure you keep it a lil spicy. BEHAVE. :)

Ok, Julia is going to start giving me the evil eye soon so I should go. I am sure that Mark says hi but he is in bed taking advantage of the TV. Boys.

Adios Amigos!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

our itinerary...kinda

We will baaaasically be in these countries in and around these dates. no idea where in the country we will be, but we will probably be there :)

feb. 26 - buffalo
feb. 27 - mexico
feb. 28 - march 4 - belize
march 5-march 17 - guatemala
march 18 - 24 - el salvador
march 25 - April 3 - honduras
April 4 - April 12 - nicaragua
April 13 - costa rica
April 14 - April 21 - panama
April 22 - costa rica
April 23 - may 28 volunteering (costa rica)
may 29 - June 5 - costa rica
June 5 - home



Janelle here with the first of many (hopefully) blog entries for y'all to simply feast your eyes on while we are gone. I, and theoretically Mark and Julia as well, will do our best to give you the downlo on our wee (and by that I mean rather sketchy) mission. However, it appears Guatemala is out of money, so considering that...how reliable is their Internet connection do you think? Hmmm...I promise you nothing.

I will have a Flickr account set up to upload pictures too. Maybe a Mr.Deon Desir can help me create a link to it from here, and also help me make a pretty template. (Yes, I know D, it's probably sickningly easy to figure out, but this is a self proclaimed Princess here; we have someone do the html for us.)

The purpose of this is to address you all at once without having to create a mass email everytime. This is annoying and we might accidentally leave people out. This way youz guyz can come here and take lil peek yourself. I encourage everyone to comment on any (or all!) of the blog entries should they desire.

We will probs be checking email too, but isnt this more fun? yes yes

ttyl!!!1 (did anybody get that?)
