Hola Amigos!

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Friday, April 6, 2007

The best hostel in Honduras?

We haven´t talked about the hostel we´re staying at in Omoa yet - Roli´s Place. It definitely deserves a mention.

In the Lonely Planet guide is it touted as the best hostel in Honduras, or something along those lines. It seems that this praise has gone straight to Roli´s head.

After dropping our bags off in the room it was necessary to walk around the place to read the signs posted around, some with kinda contradictory rules. There are rules for everything.

My favorite sign is basically an introduction to Roli. He lists of all of the wonderful things he is doing to keep the hostel as the best in Honduras. His job is to keep the place ¨extra special¨, and while doing his work he does not have time to answer outlandish questions from his guests! Apparently every night as he puts out the mosquito coils for us he is bombarded with questions such as: ¨you must be Roli?¨, ¨where is the bus to bla, bla, blah?¨, ¨do you know where I can find a decent restaurant?¨ and so on.

All questions are to be directed to Nellya - that's what she is paid for! He makes a comment about how people ignore her because she doesn't speak English, and because she looks young. Is that possibly a generalization?

And by the way, he hasn't been doing his job with the mosquito coils - I counted over 100 bites below my knees. I refuse to use the DEET spray I brought with me unless I'm in an area that's puts me at risk for malaria. Anyway...

So the highlight of this story is right here: this one traveller was staying at Roli's for a couple nights and then decided to camp out on the beach. He came by one night with a guest who stopped in to get something from the room. He was there for about 30 seconds before Roli came out, accused him of abusing his hospitality, hit him with a flashlight, grabbed his arm and pulled him off the property. I hung out with this guy - he was nowhere close to being a nuisance.

I should've just copied that sign out for you guys. Honestly, it cracks me up every time I look at it.

- Julia

1 comment:

Cass said...

when are you going to post again? what's happened to you?